
Marijuana gym set to open in San Francisco

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Time Out San Francisco editors

If you're one of the many exercise enthusiasts who feel that marijuana aids in focus and lung capacity, we've got some exciting fitness news for you! Retired NFL pro-Bowler Ricky Williams plans to open a marijuana-friendly gym in San Francisco. 

Power Plant Fitness (get it?) will not only allow weed consumption during workouts—this gym actually encourages it. Set to open this fall, Power Plant Fitness will complete a "cannabis performance assessment," which will determine the right amount of weed for each member's workout. The new gym will also sell pot products—including edibles—which may be consumed on-site. Smoking indoors is still prohibited in San Francisco. Eating a pot brownie on an elliptical machine, however, is not. 

Williams, who no longer plays in the NFL after repeated failed drug tests, is partnering with 420 Games founder Jim McAlpine released a statement on The Weed Blog claiming, "It is very likely cannabis will become ingrained into American society like Budweiser, Apple Pie and baseball."

We're still waiting on word as to whether the gym's background music will consist of reggae and jam band instrumentals. 

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