
6 very public spots to meet an online date

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Time Out San Francisco editors
Ferry Building Marketplace
Photograph: Flickr/Ken Lund | Ferry Building Marketplace

If one of your single friends tells you they've never been on a date with someone they met online, they're lying. Probably. Being single these days means having at least one online dating profile. From the old school to love 'em-and-leave 'em Tinder, San Franciscans are getting frisky with their phones. When you decide to meet your new online flame in real life, the setting for that first meeting can make or break the night—broad daylight or dark corner? what will your exit strategy be when "Steve, 29" turns out to be "Stan, 65"? If you're ready to meet up IRL, here are six San Francisco spots that are perfect for chatting offline and in person for the first time. 


This chic gay watering hole lies just on the outskirts of the Castro, sans the intense scene of many gay bars but with a sexy vibe and friendly staff. By no means is Blackbird exclusively gay. In fact, this could be a great spot for straight are-we-or-aren't-we couples to meet up in a low-pressure, cougar-free atmosphere. Cocktails are strong yet sophisticated, romantic nooks lines the walls, and several casual restaurants are located within walking distance should you wish to take things from "just drinks" to "and dinner." Alternately, several Muni lines are right outside on Market St. for a quick getaway. 

Ferry Building Farmers Market

Everyone in San Francisco heads to the Ferry Building on Saturday mornings, so if your Grindr date turns out to be a famous face from, uh, the most wanted list, plenty of people will hear your screams for help. Farmers markets are an opportunity to show off your laid-back and localvore side while picking up Cowgirl Creamery Cheese, Acme Bread and a bottle of wine. If it goes well, suggest you both head down the Embarcadero for a picnic. If it doesn't work out, at least you got your shopping done. 

Coit Tower

Meeting for a first date at a major urban icon is the kind of thing Tom Hanks would do. And Tom Hanks is a really great guy who basically invented internet dating. Coit Tower has parking, historic murals, a little ice cream stand, and a tiny elevator that will force you to get closer. Once at the top, what could be more romantic than gorgeous views of San Francisco and the Bay? (Nothing.) Every San Franciscan should visit Coit Tower, so it's a pretty excuse to play tourist without a major time commitment. If things go well, head down the hill to North Beach for a romantic slice at Tony's

City Lights Books

What better place to force Fancy Profile Guy to prove that he's smart enough to date you than at a legendary literary mecca? Make that mystery man meet you in the basement of City Lights and then observe which sections he's drawn to. If he's into cool travel books, he's a keeper. If you get separated and you find him buried in self-help, you'll need to sneak out a back door. If you both reach for the same obscure paperback you've been meaning to read for ages, you let him buy you the book so you can buy him a drink across the street at Tosca

Daytime Realness at El Rio

This every-weekend bash in the Outer Mission is ideal for an IRL meet-up because literally anything goes at Daytime Realness. The cast of characters packed onto the outdoor patio of El Rio will make anyone feel at home, and will inevitably give you two something to talk about. Cheap drinks, great music, and optional dancing are all good date components should you hit it off. If you don't, being directly on Mission Street makes for a quick yet subtle getaway should Daytime Realness turn into Internet Weirdness. 

Presidio Social Club

The Presidio Social Club is a vetted online date meet-up spot. Trust us on this one. We know from personal experience. The historical ambiance is fun as the restaurant was once an army hospital, and the food is unpretentiously great. Flattering lighting abounds, and brunch or lunch is an option if you'd rather save an evening rendezvous for the second date. Should your friend-of-a-Facebook-friend Hinge hottie be a total not-hottie, simply down a drink or an appetizer at the beautiful bar and make your excuses. Pro-tip: The on-ramp to the Golden Gate Bridge is a block away. 

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