
15 ways to tell a real San Franciscan from a fake one

Photograph: Courtesy CC/Flickr/Mike Behnken | |

Can you spot a fake? A true San Franciscan sure can. We're not talking about who's a real San Francisco native and who's not. That's been done. But no matter how long one has lived in the City by the Bay, some of us are true blue San Franciscans and some of us are, well, knock-offs. Here's how to tell the difference:

1. A real San Franciscan knows that summer comes in October. 

2. A fake San Franciscan thinks Lombard Street is the crookedest street in town. 

3. A real San Franciscan complains about parking, even if they don't drive a car. 

4. A fake San Franciscan couldn't name 15 Bay Area suburbs

5. A real San Franciscans knows that the best mall is town is not in town but is in Serramonte. 

6. A fake San Franciscan calls it "the 101."

7. A real San Franciscan has never allowed Rice-A-Roni to pass their lips. 

8. A fake San Franciscan has never been to Alcatraz.

9. A real San Franciscan knows how to use chopsticks—and knows how to use them at Yuet Lee

10. A fake San Franciscan requests a plastic bag. 

11. A real San Franciscan knows which McDonald's drive-thrus are open 24 hours. 

12. A fake San Franciscan thinks Mel's is for tourists.

13. A real San Franciscan knows where to find Mrs. Doubtfire's house.

14. A fake San Franciscan thinks the Painted Ladies count as the Full House house. 

15. A real San Franciscan knows that no matter how big or how bright any other city in the world might be, we still live in the most beautiful, special, magical spot on the planet. 

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