
12 signs you need a vacation from San Francisco

Written by
Time Out San Francisco editors
31 things that will definitely happen to you when you move to Sa
Photograph: Shutterstock

We hold firmly to the fact that San Francisco is the greatest place to live on the planet. But even here in foggy heaven, a San Franciscan needs the occasional vacation. How can you tell if it's time to get out of Dodge? If you experience one or more of the following signs, it's time to consider a refresh and a road trip:

A great day in the Bay (📷: @isleepbetter) #confetti #oakland #dubnation #champions #warriorsparade #warriors #goldenstate

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1. You don't care about the Warriors at all. You're 'eh' about the Giants. You didn't even know football season had started again. And you really wish everyone would stop talking about sports. 

2. You've uttered these words: "Burritos? No, thanks. I'll just microwave something frozen from Trader Joes."

3. You no longer have the energy to complain about Muni, BART or our ridiculously steep rents

4. Fernet no longer tastes good. In fact, it never tasted good and you're willing to tell that to anyone who orders it. 

5. You've started looking up rental prices in other cities ... and Des Moines is looking pretty cool!

6. The last time you bought anything organic was in 2016. What's the difference anyway?

7. You're sick of waiting in line for artisan ice cream, artisan bread or artisan crafts

8. You've stopped petting the dogs waiting outside during Sunday brunch

9. Uber Pool has become your worst nightmare because you might have to talk to a stranger, or worse, a tourist. 

Find the ten best things to do in SF this week on the blog now (📷:@sanfranciscoworld) #timeoutsf

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10. That cable car "ding ding!" has become really frigging annoying. 

11. You've has blasphemous thoughts like: "This sourdough bread tastes really sour and this beach is cold." 

A pop of color on a grey day 🌸👀 (📷: @hammertouringtheworld) #timeoutsf

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12. You no longer stop and gasp in awe every time you come upon one of the dozens of amazing views of this spectacular city. 

What are you waiting for? Put a vacation on the books so you can come back to beautiful San Francisco. 

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