1. Um prédio modernista é interligado por pilotis no terrçado a um palacete tombado
    Alexandre Macieira/RioTur
  2. O VLT passa no trilho em frente aos dois prédios do Museu de Arte do Rio
    Alexandre Macieira/RioTur | Museu de Arte do Rio foi construído na Zona Portuária

Museu de Arte do Rio

  • Museums | Art and design
Renata Magalhães

Time Out says

Your visit starts from the top, with a stunning view of Praça Mauá from the modernist building’s terrace. Then, head down to explore the temporary exhibitions—there can be up to four or five at once, so plan to spend some time here. The museum's collection boasts over 20,000 items, frequently featured to offer fresh perspectives on our history.


Praça Mauá, 5, Centro
Rio de Janeiro
Opening hours:
Tue-Sun 11am-18pm
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