What is Letna Park?
This expansive park, known locally as Letenské sady, dominates the northern edge of the Vltava River that divides city in half. A large red metronome keeps time above Stalin Square, named for an even larger statue of the aforementioned Communist leader that was replaced in 1991.
Is it worth visiting?
Stretching from the Prague Castle to the neighborhood of Holešovice, this maze of pathways and flower patches attracts dog-walkers, runners, families, and couples throughout the year, but becomes a non-stop hub of activity during the summer months.
When the sun’s out, you’ll find skateboarders and students sprawled across the cement landscape, and the massive beer garden on the eastern side of the park draws more of an all-ages, international crowd (worth a trip alone).
Time Out tip
A tram ride to the side or back of the park will save you hiking up the riverside hill, and the park is accessible from basically all sides.
What else is nearby?
For an intimate, cute little café vibe check out Café Letka, or head to Bio Oko for independent films in an art house cinema and bar. Need something more substantial? The very cool Hillbilly Burger will sort you out for dinner.
This review was fact-checked and updated in 2024.
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