Written by Jessica Bedford and directed by Barrymore Award winner Harriet Power, Juniper Productions’ first full-length production explores the complicated relationship between a prominent academic and her adult daughter. True to its mission to stage plays in unlikely locations, the Society Hill–based company will put on the show at Hamilton Studios, a raw space, developed and owned by Arts & Crafts Holdings, in the burgeoning Spring Arts district. Look out for several sponsored events throughout the run, including a catered opening night party, on April 28, and a beer tasting at neighboring Love City Brewery on May 4. The final performance, on Mother’s Day, will be followed by an afternoon tea that’s BYOM (Bring Your Own Mom). Patrons will have the chance to interact with the cast, which includes local favorites Mary Elizabeth Scallen, Julianna Zinkel and Akeem Davis.
Splinter and Crack
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