This original musical by John Jiler and Georgia Stitt gets its world premiere in Philadelphia. The show follows an aspiring songwriter as he searches for the truth about his father, a venerated swing musician who died in World War II.
“The story has morphed over the years, but the major themes have stayed the same,” says 11th Hour artistic director O’Brien. “It’s about a son who doesn’t know his father. It’s a coming-of-age story for Harry, the main character, as a teenager and as a musician. The show flashes back and forth between the ’60s and the ’40s and portrays Harry as he tries to find his voice in a crazy musical time.”
The score reflects the shifting musical language of the period, with influences ranging from jazz and big-band swing to rock & roll and Americana. Jiler and Stitt also represent the characters’ Jewish heritage through music, with klezmer-style orchestrations.
Resident director Megan Nicole O’Brien helms the production, which stars an all-Philadelphian cast.