Travel back through history in the Natural History Museum's Grande Galerie de l'Evolution, with its stuffed creatures and skeletons. Big and small kids enjoy the diversity of nature and breathtaking setting, learning about endangered and vanished animals (where a dodo takes pride of place) and the importance of protecting them. This, the rest of Jardin des Plantes and its other buildings (from the small zoo, to the hunks of meteorites and crystals in the Galerie de Minéralogie et de Géologie) is a favourite Sunday pastime of many Parisian families.
Parisians are known for can we say this...a bit mean about tourists. But as much as they complain about the masses milling about the Louvre, there are quite a few tourist destinations that they like themselves.
From the classic to the quirky, there are more than a few attractions that Parisians have a soft spot for.
If you're looking for some more inspiration, take a look at our classic ultimate city guide: 101 Things to Do in Paris.