Hailing from California, the home of healthy food, the latest ‘clean living’ fad has finally arrived in Paris. Raw is the new opening from William Pradeleix, already well known for success with Will, his address in the 12th arrondissement. As the name suggests, everything here is served uncooked, supposedly marking a happy return to how our ancestors once lived.
Although we were initially a little sceptical about the concept, the menu is surprisingly generous. There are plenty of fish and meat tartares, plus a wide range of other protein-packed plates to share or eat alone. The iced pea soup is a fantastic way to start, with its raspberry vinaigrette and startling array of subtle hints and smells, while the bracing barramundi (Asian sea bass) dish is a beautiful blend of textures like velvety mango, smooth truffle, crunchy fish eggs and a chive vinaigrette. For dessert we strongly recommend the chocolate sesame pudding with sesame ice cream, and drinks wise, you should definitely try one of the top-notch organic wines.