Musée Edith Piaf
Jean-Christophe Godet / Time Out | Musée Edith Piaf

Musée Edith Piaf

  • Museums
  • Saint-Ambroise

Time Out says

Set in an apartment where Piaf lived at the age of 18, when she sang on the streets of Ménilmontant, this tiny museum consists of two red-painted rooms crammed with letters, pictures, framed discs and objects belonging to the singer.

Curator Bernard Marchois doesn't speak English. It helps, therefore, to have seen the Marion Cotillard film before you go, to allow you to piece together the scrapbook of Piaf's highly mythologised life. The museum's real treasures are two letters, one a chatty number written on her 28th birthday, and another more passionate pen to actor Robert Dalban.

These - and the well-worn, human-sized teddy bear cuddling a tiny monkey soft toy - are the only clues to the real Piaf, the greatest singer the nation has ever known.


5 rue Crespin du Gast
free (donations welcome)
Opening hours:
By appointment only 1-6pm Mon-Wed
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