‘You don’t make a movie just because 'blah blah blah' wants to work with you.’
What about television, does that count?
‘I might do a TV thing in between.’
So we only have two more Tarantino films to come? You’re only 52!
‘I don’t want to be the guy that’s doing this forever. There should be an end. I think a lot of directors, if not all directors, think they have more time than they do.’
You’re going to have to choose your next films carefully then…
‘The reasons for making a film do become sharper. It’s not about paying for your alimony or your second house. You don’t make a movie just because “blah blah blah” wants to work with you.’
You’re known for the violence of your films, but with ‘The Hateful Eight’, you’ve dialled that down. Why?
‘One of the things I learned making this is how to turn violence into a tone that runs through the story, that hangs over the characters’ heads, like their own sword of Damocles. You don’t know when the violence is going to happen, but you know it is going to happen. And you are just waiting for it. There is a long, long build up, as I put my chess pieces in place. I am playing chess and I have got to put them all in the right spot before I start killing them off, and I am asking you for some patience. But hopefully the suspense makes it worth it.’