Fête de l’Humanité 2017

Paris's premier humanitarian festival returns for a weekend of music and political debate at Parc Départemental de Georges Valbon à La Corneuve, September 15-17


When? 15-17 September
A three day festival of music, literary talks and political debates with an emphasis on humanitarianism
Parc Départemental de Georges Valbon à La Corneuve

One of the most eagerly anticipated events of the rentrée for all Parisians, don't be surprised to hear people referring excitedly to the 'Fête de l'Huma'. Despite its political overtones (it's the signature event of l'Humanité, formerly the daily newspaper of the French Communist Party), the festival attracts a broad church: anyone with an interest in humanitarianism, philanthropy or simply affordable gigs in an easygoing environment. Prices are kept low (the three day pass is €35) in keeping with the philosophy of accessibility, and the option to camp ensures it’s a convivial atmosphere for all.

It’s a huge event, with 600,000 people expected to attend in 2017. Regular fixtures at the festival include literary, philosophical and political debates, calls to action and solidarity movements, sporting events, theatre, art exhibitions and of course, music. This year the line-up includes Iggy Pop, Renaud, L'age d'or du rap francais, TRUST, Un Air, Deux Familles : Les Ogres de Barback & Les Hurlements d'Léo Gavin James, Camille Berthollet & Julie Berthollet and many more. 

For more info and to buy tickets, click here.

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