Charlie Hebdo place de la République Je Suis Charlie
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Nous sommes Charlie

Time Out Paris remembers the events of January 2015

Nous sommes tous Charlie
Nous sommes tous Charlie
After gunmen stormed the Charlie Hebdo offices on January 7 2015, over 35,000 Parisians gathered at Place de la République in a spontaneous vigil to honour the memory of the slain cartoonists. Here, we collect images of the vigil and of other around the world.
Charlie at the Pompidou
Charlie at the Pompidou

An exhibition of front covers of Charlie Hebdo magazine printed between 1969 and 1986, displayed in the library of the Centre Pompidou. The images were rapidly pulled together the day following the attack, and focus on Charlie Hebdo's lampooning of the former president Georges Pompidou.  

Paris est Charlie
Paris est Charlie
Images of a historic day: 11 January 2015, the 'Marché Républicaine' was attended by millions across France, and an unprecedented number of world leaders, in the same of solidarity and peace. It was the largest ever public gathering in Paris.
Sold out edition of Charlie Hebdo
Sold out edition of Charlie Hebdo
Time Out meets newspaper vendors and their frustrated clients as millions scramble to buy the first edition of the paper printed after the attacks on January 7, 2015. (In French.)
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