1. ‘Les Nymphéas’ - Claude Monet (1914-1926)

Where? Musée de l’Orangerie
Nearly 100 metres of lilies, shadows and water stretch across the curved walls of the Orangerie. It’s not for nothing that ‘Les Nymphéas’ features on most tourist itineraries, sometimes overloading the Tuileries museum. Twelve years of work and eight panels went into Monet’s masterpiece, whose dimensions, almost abstract beauty and impression of infinity never cease to fascinate. Here, Monet condenses a lifetime’s visual research in his career as an impressionist.
Drawing on his garden at Giverny over 30 years, the Orangerie paintings are his most successful depictions of his ponds, which he painted more than 200 times. They represent the water at different times of the day, from dawn until dusk. If they’ve been hanging in the museum since 1927 (Monet promised to donate them to the State the day after the armistice in 1918), we had to wait until the museum’s renovation in 2006 to see ‘Les Nymphéas’ in the gorgeous environment that hosts them today.