In a classic New York tale, Shawn Peled decided to combine his passion for flea markets and his experience working in the city's food industry to create Yardsale, a café that doubles as a vintage shop.
Nestled on 5th Avenue and 17th Street in Park Slope since late September 2020, Yardsale serves classic coffee drinks alongside breakfast food, top-notch pastries, sandwiches (Swiss avocado! Prosciutto and mozzarella! Eggplant!), salads and more entrée-like dishes (the anchovy plate with butter, radish, scallion and country toast deserves your attention) on one side of the store.
The other portion of the shop is filled with what the owner calls "new (old) items." A scroll through the business' Instagram account gives a pretty good idea of the sorts of products plastered all over the place. From collectible NBA cards to classic vinyl, vintage teacups and mugs and beautiful menorahs, there is a whole array of curiously memorable objects to choose from.
In fact, there's enough there that you just may want to stay all day long.