This small but mighty comedy institution on the Upper West Side, first opened in 1986 promoting big names including Robin Williams and Jerry Seinfeld. To keep up with the times, the comedy club has now taken its legacy (and stage) to New York's sprawling green spaces. Stand Up NY is currently doing three dozen comedic performances a week across NYC's parks. At a recent gig Derek Gaines took the stage, a NYC Comedian in The King of Staten Island alongside SNL's Pete Davidson.
New Yorkers—how much do you miss belly-laughing at a comedy show? While we cannot yet huddle inside some of NYC’s beloved comedy dens, comedy institutions across the city are taking their stages outdoors, and bringing back laughter to New York. While you can stay at home and stream your go-to stand-up comedians’ specials over and over again, you can also head out to hear the roar that erupts after a cheeky joke in person. From impromptu performances in NYC's sprawling green spaces to stand-up at a drive-in movie theater, here are all the best outdoor comedy locales you can visit for a good laugh right now.