David Odyssey started his tarot and astrology readings in Bushwick, where he did a lot of work within the drag and comedy communities and, consequently, with a lot of people on gender, life transitions and different metamorphoses. His tarot readings are more about checking in and getting more clarity on what’s going on in life, while his astrology readings get into a person's core and also see what's coming up. Where David really hits his stride, though, is when he’s referencing Saturn Return, a critical life transition period that happens at the end of one’s twenties and then every 30-ish years afterward (it takes the planet Saturn about 29 years to make one revolution around the sun, thus the name). In fact, he’s publishing a book on the subject, which comes out on April 25. Visit his website for rates, availability and information on the book. (davidodyssey.com)
Worried about what the future may hold? Relax. While we here at Time Out New York might not have a knack for divination, we didn’t need a crystal ball to find the best mediums, astrologers, palm readers and psychics working in this fair city. Whether you want to know if love is in your future or to connect with a pet who has passed on, these experienced professionals might amaze you with their intuitive prowess.