Tarot cards
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Photograph: Shutterstock

The best psychics in NYC

From tarot card readers to mediums, we’ve done the research and tracked down the top psychics in New York


Worried about what the future may hold? Relax. While we here at Time Out New York might not have a knack for divination, we didn’t need a crystal ball to find the best mediums, astrologers, palm readers and psychics working in this fair city. Whether you want to know if love is in your future or to connect with a pet who has passed on, these experienced professionals might amaze you with their intuitive prowess.

David Odyssey started his tarot and astrology readings in Bushwick, where he did a lot of work within the drag and comedy communities and, consequently, with a lot of people on gender, life transitions and different metamorphoses. His tarot readings are more about checking in and getting more clarity on what’s going on in life, while his astrology readings get into a person's core and also see what's coming up. Where David really hits his stride, though, is when he’s referencing Saturn Return, a critical life transition period that happens at the end of one’s twenties and then every 30-ish years afterward (it takes the planet Saturn about 29 years to make one revolution around the sun, thus the name). In fact, he’s publishing a book on the subject, which comes out on April 25. Visit his website for rates, availability and information on the book. (davidodyssey.com)

Intuitive Coach and psychic medium Betsy LeFae combines her background in psychology—she has a BA in that field and worked for a decade in social work—with her skills as an intuitive to uplift individuals. During her one-on-one sessions she delves into the issues and struggles of the client’s life and channels practical instructions (from Spirit or loved ones who have passed) on how to overcome these issues. By appointment only. Check NewYorkCityPsychic.com for rates and location.


Calibre is a psychic and tarot symbolist who uses clairvoyance, clairsentience and a tarot deck. What sets him apart from others on this list: His oracle is entirely made up of postcards from around the world. His one-of-a-kind deck has nearly 500 cards and each card offers multiple metaphorical meanings. An example he gave was that fireworks could refer to “celebration” or “July” while a man wearing sunglasses could be, “fashionable, but shady on the inside.” Make sure to contact him for his schedule as he spends only half of his year in NYC (and the other half is in Hawaii, poor guy). By appointment only, $175/hour (derekcalibre.com)

This Brooklyn psychic uses both astrology and tasseography, the age-old fortune-telling method of reading tea leaves, to look into her customers’ futures. By looking at the patterns left on the bottom of a tea cup after unstrained tea has been drained, she discerns people and paths clients should be wary of and offers insights to their questions. Other services she offers include an energy reading with an aromatherapy herbal bath, a cosmic analysis of your love life, career readings and a longer psychic reading with an astrology chart included. $45/15min. Make an appointment on her website (kimallen.com).


Wait until you have both hands back before you start applauding uproariously after getting a reading from the master palmist. Through a detailed study of the lines on a person’s hands Seltman can not only find the life and love indents many people go searching for, but can also determine a great deal about one's personality and character. His expertise in the ancient pseudoscience—which dates back, in various forms, thousands of years—allows him to offer relationship, health and even career advice. For more information about his services, including corporate events, visit his website (markseltman.com).

As the author of several books that teach the layperson how to use psychic practices and astrology in day-to-day life, including with wedding planning, Wolf is a leading voice in the community. While her prices are a bit steep for such laypeople, she often uses her intuitive capabilities to see specific details two years and beyond into the client’s future. For those wishing to consult the stars, she also offers astrological readings to help discern personality traits, future events and even give guidance to expecting parents. Book an appointment online (staceywolf.com), psychic-medium consultations start at $325 for a 30-minute session, animal communication consultations start at $300 for a 30-minute session.


Meeting with intuitive consultant, Peri Lyons, will feel as if you’re having a chat with a dear, hyperaware friend rather than speaking to a crystal-ball-viewing psychic—and that’s a good thing. Lyons is a bit unorthodox in her tarot-reading and counseling methods. But any nervous, first-time future seekers should take comfort knowing that she proudly presents her intuitive talents without a shtick. (Okay, there may have been a few tunes sung, jokes cracked and celebrity name drops thrown in during the session, but you get the gist.) Not only does she offer clients her awareness as to what has already occurred, what is currently happening and what may come in the upcoming months ahead, she also extends friendly advice and suggestions for how to help combat problems or roadblocks. (She'll even read your star chart upon request.) (perilyonsintuitive.wixsite.com)

As both a skilled astrologer and a performance artist, Angel brings a fun, vivacious energy—and plenty of bedazzled clothing—to her readings. The divining diva uses your birth date to track the stars to offer advice and insight. She particularly shines in discerning where her customers should travel next, either for vacation or as a permanent home. She also offers a wide array of detailed PDF astrological readings on her website, though it’d be a shame to miss her glowing charm. Email angeleyedealism@gmail.com for East Village location. Contact her for rates and availability for personal readings and events. (angeleyeastrology.com)


Intuitive and remote viewer Fahrusha has been giving readings since her teens. By using palmistry, tarot readings, direct psychic revelation and occasionally reading photographs and handwriting, she has guided many clients through their pressing questions about the future. She has helped former clients in both worldly matters, like recovering lost objects, and celestially with guidance through UFO experiences. Recently, she has brought her extensive knowledge of parapsychology to “Shattered Reality,” her podcast with Kate Valentine. For rates and location visit her website (fahrusha.com)

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