In February, Marvel turned a lesser-known superhero into a global icon with the release of Black Panther. The Afro-futurist, Shakespearean epic galvanized audiences of color and went on to earn over one billion dollars globally—making it the highest-grossing film by a black director and one of the top ten highest-grossing films ever made. What's more, it's really fun to watch, with fierce performances from Letitia Wright, Angela Bassett, Danai Gurira and Lupita N'Yongo and some killer action choreography.
Relive the spectacle at a special free screening at Brooklyn Army Terminal, courtesy of Rooftop Films. R.S.V.P. for the free screening, then head to Pier 4 early to grab a seat for the first-come-first-serve event. Bring a blanket and snacks for the show, but leave the booze at home, as it will be confiscated at the door. You'll have a gorgeous view of the water—and Michael Jordan's abs—all night.