Over the past few weeks (on Facebook, Twitter or whatever cool new social media platform the kids are using these days), you’ve probably noticed an uptick in people talking about injustice, of folks not only wanting to just spread the word on those in need but actually do something about it. You’re not alone. We’ve noticed it too, and we decided to explore how New Yorkers can fight five issues that are particularly important right now: immigration; rights of women, people of color and the LGBT community; and the environment. “Now more than ever, it is important for New Yorkers to come together in solidarity and support one another,” Mayor Bill de Blasio tells Time Out New York. “I urge every New Yorker to channel their energy into doing something worthwhile that will help create a more fair and tolerant city. At City Hall, we’re committed to protecting the rights of all our city residents—immigrants, refugees, Muslims and LGBTQ New Yorkers alike,” he added. “Lawmakers are listening, so speak up for what you believe in, do your civic duty, and let your voice be heard.” Here are more than 30 ways you can do just that, whatever your cause of choice. (Hell, why pick just one?) And after you’ve stood up for your beliefs, get into the spirit of the season by checking out these holiday volunteer opportunities, non-profits for helping the homeless and other ways to volunteer in NYC.