North American river otters (Photograph: Julie Larsen Maher © WCS)
Photograph: Julie Larsen Maher © WCS |

The newest addition to Wildlife Conservation Society’s menageries, these pups were born in February but have only just been let loose on the Prospect Park Zoo's Discovery Trail. They're the first North American river otters to be born in a New York zoo since 1956.

TONY's patent-pending cute-o-meter: 9/10

New zoo animals: Baby animals rated by cuteness (SLIDE SHOW)

Check out spring's new arrivals at New York zoos. We apply our patent-pending cute-o-meter to the baby animals and give you the chance to pick your favorite.

Baby alpacas and river otters and babydoll sheep—oh my giddy aunt, the cuteness is overwhelming. To try to calm ourselves, we decided to apply a rational scientific method to quantify the adorableness of the new zoo animals in New York, both newborns and recent acquisitions. Presenting the TONY patent-pending cute-o-meter, which is basically a cardboard box full of staffers cooing over photos of cute animals while an intern takes readings from a noise dosimeter.

In all seriousness though, the successful breeding of species by the Wildlife Conservation Society ( is no mean feat, and we heartily commend its efforts. Additionally, the acquisition of animals like the endangered Chacoan peccaries helps to educate zoogoers on these creatures and their threatened habitat. You should strongly consider donating to the WCS.

Now back to enjoying the baby animals. Vote for which new zoo animal you think deserves the totally made-up accolade of Cutest in Show.
Check out the sea lions and other animals at the Bronx Zoo
Coo over a baby joey and other attractions at Prospect Park Zoo
See what's on view at Central Park Zoo
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