Nicole Ludwig, Matt Giordano and Teddy Roosevelt

Ludwig on Teddy’s lovability: “I always say that Teddy Roosevelt could be the poster dog for bully breeds. He is such a goofball and a real sweetheart. This is so very typical of these types of dogs, and I wish everyone would start to understand that. A few months ago, my partner was walking him in our neighborhood, and they walked by a homeless man on the street who looked really down. As if he could sense the need for a loving moment, Teddy stopped right in front of the man, looked at him for a bit and then lay down next to him on the concrete. He then rolled over onto his back and just stayed there until the man laughed and smiled. The empathy that he possesses is on another level. His head is just full of rainbows and butterflies.”
Adopted from: Animal Care Centers of NYC (various locations; 212-788-4000,