Photograph: Joe Klamar (AFP/Getty)
Photograph: Joe Klamar (AFP/Getty)Errol Spence of the U.S. Olympics boxing team

Photographer Joe Klamar's Olympics portraits (SLIDE SHOW)


Joe Klamar, chief photographer for Agence France Presse, created a minor online skirmish with his portraits of American Olympics team members, including swimmer Michael Phelps, gymnast Julie Zetlin and boxer Errol Spence. Some saw the gritty, hastily staged shots—snapped in May, at the U.S. Olympics Media Summit in Dallas, Texas—as an affront to the dignity of our Olympians; others praised Klamar for showing us the human side of these awe-inspiring (and widely photographed) athletes. See which side of the controversy you fall on at the powerHouse Arena, where Klamar's images will be on view Friday 27 through September 4.

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