Photograph: Mimi Ko
Photograph: Mimi Ko | The world's longest Soul Train stops at Marcus Garvey Park.

ImageNation's Soul Train night in Harlem (SLIDE SHOW)

ImageNation breaks the record for the longest Soul Train line, in honor of the TV program's founder Don Cornelius.


Arts nonprofit ImageNation turned back the clock for its outdoor screening of the doc Soul Train: The Hippest Trip in America. Commemorating the '70s program's founder, Don Cornellius, the event set out to break the Guinness World Record for longest Soul Train line—211, set by a high school in Berkeley, California, last year. (Since then, Philadelphia had made a claim on the record, with 327 people). The Harlem event surpassed both, drawing 357 groovy participants to boogie down in Marcus Garvey Park.

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