
Hard Day's Night

3 out of 5 stars
  • Theater
  • Recommended

Time Out says

Your house is choked with Disney memorabilia, your old pets' ashes are kept on display, your parents are cold to each other, your younger sister is more popular than you and your grandfather's ghost may be haunting the basement. How could you not go a little insane? Vicki Vodrey's Hard Day's Night invites the audience into the life of Kelly K. Kelly (an adorably quirky Lizzie Stewart), who has decided to rebel against her dysfunctional family by speaking solely in Beatles lyrics. The premise takes a long and winding road to develop, and the Fab Four conceit could be executed more cleverly. But high-quality acting, engaging relationships and witty one-liners keep you entertained as you wait for the plot to come together.—Amelia Bienstock

Click here for full Time Out New York coverage of the 2015 New York International Fringe Festival.


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