1. It’s the new pickleball.

You may have heard that pickleball was one of the fastest-growing sports during the height of the pandemic. It’s true that pickleball—a mix of tennis, ping pong and badminton—was an ideal sport during the height of social distancing thanks to its large outdoor courts, but the game is typically undemanding. Squash is on the cusp of an explosion in popularity, sitting squarely in the zeitgeist through shows like Queen's Gambit and Inventing Anna. Particularly among younger players, it offers a faster, more engaging pace and thus a more intense workout. Plus, thanks to the close proximity with players on the court and a solid sports community beyond it, squash is just as fun as its fellow racquet sport, if not more so. And, if that doesn’t clinch it, the fact that indoor courts make squash playable all year round will certainly entice New Yorkers who want to keep at it, rain, shine, unbearable heat or freezing snow.