
Whom to bring: Antique lovers with a penchant for grand old estates
What to do: Stop sniffing out the next best thing on Twitter and look back in time instead, courtesy of this charming Westchester, NY village 25 miles from our fair metropolis. Historic mansions abound, but we like Kykuit (381 N Broadway at Pocantico St, Sleepy Hollow; hudsonvalley.org), the six-story manor that housed four generations of Rockefellers and is an easy five-minute cab ride from the train station ($4–$6). Stately architecture, elaborate gardens, Andy Warhol silkscreens and Picasso tapestries—there’s a lot to explore within this landmark estate. Once you’re green with envy, head back into town for a little retro shopping at Tarrytown’s numerous antique shops, such as Carol Master Antiques (10 Main St between N Broadway and Kaldenberg Pl, 914-332-8441).
Where to eat: Do as the locals do and lunch at Lefteris Gyro (1 N Broadway at Main St, 914-524-9687), which rolls out authentic Greek standards at wallet-friendly prices. Save room for dessert: Main Street Sweets (35 N Main St at Washington St, 914-332-5757) offers scoops of homemade ice cream in decadent flavors such as fudge-laced mocha.
How to get there: Take the Hudson line to Tarrytown station (35mins, Kykuit Tour $40, includes round-trip and Classic Tour; mta.info/mnr).