Web Development Classes, Certificates and Bootcamps in NYC
Photo Courtesy of General Assembly
Photo Courtesy of General Assembly

Web development classes, certificates and bootcamps in NYC

The best places in NYC to really up your web development game


Maintaining a solid online presence is vital for institutions, businesses and individuals in almost every professional context. This means that having access to someone who knows the ins and outs of web development is key, since programming and running web pages that work is an essential aspect of almost every public-facing business or project. Learning how to develop and maintain web pages will teach you a collection of professional skills that are only becoming more and more important as time goes on. If you are looking to learn how to code and run websites, you should consider looking into one of the many excellent training centers and educational resources available in NYC.

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What is web development?

Web development is a large tent that encompasses all of the processes of building and maintaining the technical side of websites. This includes writing the code that the web browsers use to display the website, building and interlinking the databases that store important information pertaining to the pages and ensuring that the pages and databases are secure. Broadly speaking, since web development covers so many different topics, it is generally broken up into three smaller subsets focusing on what aspects of the development process are handled.

Front end web development

Front end web development refers to the aspects of web development pertaining to aspects of the page that are visible to the user and that they interact with while utilizing the page. For example, the visual representation of this text and the links directing readers to other pages, internal and external, are front end development issues. Front end web development tends to utilize HTML & CSS and JavaScript (as well as its assorted libraries) to add functionality and interactive elements to a web page, which are vital for providing end users with an experience that is conducive to your end goals (whether this is providing easier access to information, streamlining a virtual storefront or giving users access to contact information that they can use elsewhere).

Back end web development

Back end web development covers the other half of the web development equation, handling the aspects of the web page that are not visible to the end user. This includes everything from password databases to automated forms and invoices being created after an item is purchased from a web store. Back end web development is less concerned with the look and feel of the page as they are with its internal functionality, so they will spend more time working with complex databases and languages like Python and SQL.  Back end development also concerns itself with ensuring that the website continues to remain functional as changes are made to the front and that the website and its databases are protected from hostile threats.

Full stack web development

Unsurprisingly, full stack web development is the process of building both the front end and back end for a website and ensuring that the two systems work well with one another. Full Stack Developers will either learn how to use several different programming languages to build end-user content and databases or they will specialize in a specific, versatile programming language (like JavaScript) that lets them handle all of the major aspects of web development using a single syntax. Full Stack Web Developers are often employed by companies to handle all aspects of the development and upkeep processes when they are launching or significantly modifying one of their websites.

Why learn web development?

Learning web development is appealing because nothing in the present suggests that businesses and institutions are going to move away from focusing on their web presence. While hard figures are very difficult to come by, it is estimated that about 175 websites are launched every minute and there are over 4 billion active pages (with upwards of 50 billion on the high end of total pages). Web development isn’t going out of style anytime soon and learning how to develop websites is practical even if you aren’t planning to build a career out of it. Everyone from small business owners to artists can benefit from learning how to develop websites (though the emergence of platforms like WordPress make it easier than ever to utilize templates and creation wizards to make your own website).

Explore the best web development classes in NYC

If you are looking to learn web development, one of your best options is to enroll in a career-focused training program. These courses offer students the opportunity to learn the ins-and-outs of web development from professional instructors who can provide them with assistance and feedback in-person or live online. In addition, these courses tend to offer essential career services to support students looking to take their web development skills to a professional level.

Full Stack Web Development Certificate Program

Noble Desktop offers a complete Full Stack Web Development Certificate program that covers all of the major skills that any professional web developer will need to find a job. Students will learn in Noble’s state-of-the-art computer science lab and will get focused attention from expert instructors who are looking to help them learn practical and transferable skills necessary to build professional websites. All lessons are hands-on coding experiences that will help students become familiar with the basics of programming, no matter how much prior experience they have before enrolling in the class. By the end of the class, students will have completed enough projects to build their own portfolio of sample websites that they can add to their application materials. Plus, all students will be able to attend one-on-one career mentoring sessions designed to help them build their professional skills.

This course covers all of the major programming languages utilized by web developers, with a focus on JavaScript and the application of its various MERN stack libraries. The course aims to be as beginner-friendly as possible, so even if you have no experience with programming, you can learn the basics of coding and start building your own web applications using HTML & CSS and simple JavaScript. Once students are comfortable with the basics, they will learn how to use more advanced aspects of JavaScript, including how to utilize it to build back end functionalities into websites. The final portion of the course focuses on practical concerns of industry knowledge and portfolio building and all enrolled students will have the chance to take optional classes covering the basics of SQL and the WordPress platform.


Front-End Web Development Certificate Program

Noble Desktop also offers a professional certificate program that focuses the attention on the skills that Front End Developers will need in order to succeed professionally. This program will cover the basics of using HTML & CSS to build the skeleton of websites and how to add greater functionality to those pages with a variety of different JavaScript applications. This course focuses entirely on end-user interaction, so the course will cover less of the back end functionalities of JavaScript, but the course still provides students with a firm grounding in the essentials of the language to start developing their own functional websites.  The course also covers hands-on training that will help students build their own portfolio to take with them onto the job market or to use as samples if they choose to work freelance. Beyond HTML & CSS and JavaScript training, students will also learn how to utilize advanced features of the WordPress platform (including how to create their own custom templates and widgets using their HTML & CSS and JavaScript training) and how to build rudimentary email applications using HTML.

JavaScript Development Certificate Program

Students looking to focus their attention on JavaScript (and who have a background in HTML & CSS, this isn’t a course for absolute beginners) will want to consider enrolling in Practical Programming’s JavaScript Development Certificate program. This course focuses on how developers can use JavaScript to create complex web applications (and software applications) using its varied libraries. STudents will begin by learning how to create front end assets using JavaScript and then the course will shift to a focus on how the MERN stack allows developers to design the entire infrastructure of a working website, software application or web app. Students will also focus on how React can be used to speed up the development process and create new, customizable plug-ins that can expand the functionality of basic JavaScript code. Students will also work on developing a professional portfolio showcasing their mastery of JavaScript and enrollees can attend an optional SQL Bootcamp to help them develop a better understanding of database integration and management.


Web Design Certificate Program

If you are interested in also learning about the creative aspects of building websites, you can enroll in the Web Design Certificate program. This program offers guided professional training in the basics of designing and coding the front end components of a website and students enrolled in this course will receive professional support for experienced designers and developers. Students enrolled in this program will learn the basics of using HTML & CSS and JavaScript to build websites and they will learn how to use applications like Figma to design, plan and test prototype versions of their designs. This training will help students learn the basics of both sides of the design/development equation and will position them for entry-level work in either field (or work as a freelancer). In addition, students will build a professional design portfolio that showcases their creative and technical skills and they will learn how to use WordPress as a platform for streamlining the design and development process.

JavaScript Programming Bootcamp

Not all web development courses take the form of immersive bootcamps and students looking to build their skills in shorter, more focused classes may want to enroll in a program like the JavaScript Programming Bootcamp. This intensive course teaches students the basics of JavaScript and its application in web development and software engineering projects. Then, with the help of expert instructors, students will learn advanced JavaScript functionalities, including how to leverage APIs, object oriented programming, modules and JSON to bolster their designs with more complex features and functions. The course also includes time spent preparing a job portfolio and preparing for the kinds of questions that you may receive (related to JavaScript) in an interview. The course requires students to have functional knowledge of advanced HTML & CSS skills and students are likely to want to enroll in other JavaScript programming courses to focus their skills on more specific kinds of projects.


Web Development with HTML & CSS

Regardless of what direction your web development training takes, it is very likely that you’ll need to learn at least the basics of HTML and CSS, since basically every website currently operating utilizes these two languages. If you aren’t sure if web development is the right path for you, enrolling in one of these basic, introductory courses is an excellent way to ensure that you have an understanding of what programming and web development is like before you invest too much time and energy into your training. An introductory HTML & CSS course is a great place to learn the basics of writing and debugging code and slowly building up your understanding of programming basics in order to become more well-rounded as a developer.

Software Engineering Bootcamp

Anyone looking for a complete software development education may want to consider General Assembly’s Software Engineering Bootcamp. This immersive program aims to provide students with all of the training and support they need to become professional Software Engineers or Web Developers. Students will get hands-on training, available in-person or online and full-time or part-time, in everything from the basics of HTML and CSS to advanced functionalities of JavaScript and back end development techniques utilizing open source libraries. In addition to professional skills training, students will receive job support services, including one-on-one mentoring opportunities, networking events and access to General Assembly’s database of hiring partners and alumni.


Front End Web Development Short Course

Novice programmers may want to start their training with a shorter program, like this beginner-friendly web development offering from General Assembly. Here, students with no programming background can learn the fundamentals of writing code with HTML & CSS and JavaScript. STudents will also learn about the practical side of web development, including how to host websites on servers, different kinds of version control applications and how to communicate with other front end developers and stakeholders on a project. By the end of this program, students will have developed the skills they need to create working, responsive, interactive websites and how to build modular APIs and plug-ins.

Computer Science Summer Program for Teens

High school students looking to learn the fundamentals of computer programming may want to consider a course like NextGen Bootcamp’s Computer Science Summer Program. This course aims to provide students with an introduction to programming logics and languages using Python and Java, both of which are practical languages that show up frequently on AP Computer Science exams. Students can take the program through live online instruction or in-person sessions in NYC, giving them more flexibility in the course delivery method. Students will get hands-on training in essential programming skills and they will learn the foundational logics of computer science that are applicable regardless of how one chooses to develop their CS training. This course is an excellent choice for students looking to pursue higher education in computer science and it can demonstrate to admission boards that the student has made a commitment to their education and training.


Corporate Training Options

Oftentimes, employers may find that they need to provide their team members with additional skills training in order to complete complex projects. Corporate training options are available for employers looking to provide this additional training and ensure that their team members properly understand the ins and outs of web development tasks. This can include upskilling existing team members who need a bit more training in JavaScript or introductory training for inexperienced programmers. Lessons can be hosted at your corporate offices or in private digital classrooms allowing team members to train from anywhere. In addition, if you want to let your employees develop their skills on their own time, group vouchers are available (at a discount) for any of the online training options offered through Noble Desktop.

Web development careers

Given that there are three main kinds of web development, it shouldn’t be surprising that there are three main professions for web developers: Front End Web Developers, Back End Web Developers and Full Stack Web Developers. While all three kinds of web developers work on the implied aspect of web development, they are also employed in different capacities by different organizations and companies, so differentiating them is a bit more complex than it might initially seem.

Front End Web Developers are far more likely to work as freelancers or out of a development studio than their back end or full stack counterparts. This is because once the front end aspects of a website have been completed, there is minimal work to do until the next time that an update is required or something breaks (and, in most cases, breaks can be handled internally without needing the original developer on hand). This means that front end specialists are less likely to stay on any single project for a long period of time and even in-house front end developers are likely to frequently move from project to project. They are the least well compensated web developers (though they still earn well above the average salary in NYC) and they will likely have to learn the least amount of programming languages (JavaScript has become so versatile that most front end bootcamps focus solely on HTML & CSS and JavaScript). They are also likely to work more closely with web designers, since they are tasked with making the theoretical design of a website into a reality.

Back End Web Developers are more likely to spend a significant amount of time working on individual projects and they are often employed by single companies or institutions to maintain their systems. Back End Developers are also more likely to work in administration roles, since their work overlaps with things like password administration and authorizing access to certain databases. Back End Developers will need to learn more programming languages than their front end counterparts (especially given how many websites and web applications use JavaScript to shortcut certain back end functionalities). Back End Developers are also well compensated for their work, since they are more likely to have long-term employment with a single organization and they are tasked with learning more programming languages (and more complex programming languages) in order to fulfill their duties. They are also more likely to pick up skills that will have them working in cybersecurity adjacent roles.

Full Stack Web Developers fall somewhere in-between the two poles in terms of their expectations and employment opportunities. Full Stack Web Developers tend to learn more programming languages, but they are also more likely to focus on specific programming languages, mostly for ease of integrating front end and back end capabilities (which almost always means learning JavaScript and its most significant libraries, the MERN stack).  They make significantly more than the average salary in NYC and they are more likely to do freelance work than back end specialists, but less likely than front end specialists. Full Stack Developers may also find themselves working for smaller companies that employ fewer individuals on the tech side of their projects.

In addition to these general kinds of web developers, there are also specialized Python Developers, SQL Developers, JavaScript Developers and more (essentially for all major programming languages). These specialists spend less time working on practical web development projects and more on improving and expanding the functionality of programming syntax so that other developers have an easier time building functional, practical websites. Very few professionals start out in these roles, but knowing that they exist can be helpful when choosing what kind of web development training to pursue.

What skills will you learn in a web development classes

In a web development class you are most likely to spend most of your time learning programming skills and languages. This includes practical, introductory work, such as how to compile code, use code editors and debug code and specific programming work, such as learning how to write code in JavaScript or Python. What skills you learn will depend on how focused your training is on one aspect of web development.



Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) and Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) are the two foundational programming languages that serve as the backbone of virtually every modern website. HTML controls how the web browser distinguishes between different kinds of text and images and web browsers read the HTML in order to display the website. For example, the website you are reading uses HTML to inform your web browser what should be part of this paragraph and what text should be part of the heading of this section. CSS controls how the text is displayed, including things like style, color and font. More important, CSS ensures that modern websites are displayed in uniform fashions across the nearly limitless number of different screens and display monitors that people use to access websites (for example,CSS is not only ensuring that this text is the same font on every device, it is also what lets a web browser properly scale the page so it can be viewed on either a smartphone or a 65 inch monitor).

While they have been updated, HTML and CSS have been utilized in more or less the same form since the mid-90s, so websites that only utilize these two languages have a decidedly “retro'' feel to them and because they are focused mostly on display and hyperlinks, you can’t add much more complex functionality than embedded links and the occasional video. If you want to learn how to make a website feel like a user expects (and not like a website designed before they were born), you’ll need to learn other programming languages.


JavaScript is one of the most versatile and popular programming languages in use today and it is the primary driving factor behind user features on websites becoming more and more sophisticated. JavaScript was originally developed for Netscape in the mid-90s with two goals: make websites less static and create a programming language that was accessible to non-technical specialists. At its most basic level, JavaScript is used to add live updating features to websites, allowing dynamic content, ranging from basic information like live updating sports and weather tickers to more complex embedded videos, pop-up ads, live-streaming media and personalized content (and data tracking). Owing to this, JavaScript is also heavily utilized in software and application development, since it is the tool that best allows programs to access HTML & CSS code outside of a web browser.

More advanced JavaScript lessons are likely to cover the “MERN stack,” the colloquial name for the four major JavaScript libraries that allow the language to be used to compile complex, full stack code. These include node.js, express.js, react and mongoDB, all of which add different layers of functionality to JavaScript code. This allows skilled developers to program websites that have database systems and full back end features while primarily utilizing JavaScript. These skills are essential for any full stack developer or aspiring JavaScript Developer and they will help on any software engineering projects that you happen to find yourself working on.



Python is the most popular programming language in the world and it is arguably the most important language for creating functional back ends for modern websites. Learning how to code with Python will be essential not only for building databases that allow users and administrators of a website to store vital information, but Python is heavily utilized in data scraping and other data analytics applications. If you want to build a website that adequately tracks user behavior and responds to that behavior, learning Python will be essential. Python is also utilized in applications that allow multiple web browsers to engage with one another (like DropBox) and it plays a key role in artificial intelligence and large language model programming, which is becoming more commonly utilized on websites for things like chatbots and automated recommendation algorithms.

Thinking like a programmer

While not a technical skill, learning web development will require you to learn to think in new ways and solve problems with creative solutions. The reason that programming languages are called that is because they have a syntax, vocabulary and grammar that a browser or computer “reads” to know what it is supposed to do. However, unlike human languages, which are idiomatic and full of odd but understandable quirks, computers are dumb and read everything as literally as possible. This means that you’ll need to learn how to provide precise instructions and follow logical patterns to get your code perfect. In addition, you’ll need to work within the limitations of the languages you have access to, since not all languages are equally adept at all tasks. This means you’ll have to learn how to approach all of your development problems as a kind of evolving puzzle.


What is the difference between web design and web development?

While the two might sound interchangeable, it is worth remembering that web design and web development are largely different skillset (though the professional responsibilities of designers and developers may overlap in freelance contexts or in small organizations). Web design primarily focuses on building the appearance of a website and the anticipated functionalities of that page and this is almost all taken care of in the planning stage. By contrast, web development is the act of writing the code that makes the original design go from a theoretical website to a working website. When their responsibilities don’t directly overlap, the Web Developer isn’t responsible for deciding how a website will look, they are responsible for making it work.

In this way, web design is a more creative process that will require less coding knowledge than web development (though having an understanding of front end development is still important). By contrast, Web Designers will be expected to know how to use a different set of creative tools, like UX design applications (such a Figma) and digital creative tools (like Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator).

Choosing the right web development class

Given how ubiquitous web development roles are in the professional world, there are a lot of different kinds of classes for students to learn everything from the basics of HTML & CSS to advanced JavaScript techniques. Choosing the right learning format is an important step in ensuring that you succeed at your long term goals, so you should consider a few important factors when looking to enroll in a course.


How much experience do I have and how much time can I commit?

You’ll first want to gauge how much experience you have with web development skills (and adjacent ones like coding) and how much time and energy you know you want to commit to your training. If you are very confident that you want to become a professional Web Developer, then you should take the plunge and enroll in a professional development program that aims to teach students all the skills they need to find a job upon graduating. If you are less certain that web development is the career path you plan to follow, you may want to take a few shorter, introductory courses, since career-focused bootcamps and immersive programs are fairly expensive and time consuming.

Should I study in-person or online?

NYC is full of great training centers and tech education schools that offer in-person courses, but there are also a lot that offer online classes that are just as effective at teaching essential web development skills. With recent developments in online pedagogy and improvements in live streaming technology, online classes are no longer simply worse versions of their in-person counterparts and there are affordances and limitations to each model.

In-person courses offer students the intimate and direct way to learn web development skills. While most students don’t immediately focus on it, there is something to be said for being in the same room as classmates and their instructors as a benefit to facilitate learning. In-person learning affords students the chance to work directly with their instructors and get immediate feedback on their work. While this is still possible in an online course, the distance created by the digital space can make it harder to work around, particularly when it comes to quickly reading and examining code.  The drawback to in-person learning tends to be logistical, since you need to find a training center that you can physically attend and you need to take the steps to get there for each of the lessons. This might not seem like a big deal (especially in a city like NYC) but the cost of travel (both money and time) can quickly add up when you enroll in a longer class (like a bootcamp that could last several weeks or meet regularly for a month).

Online classes, by contrast, let students learn from anywhere (including courses outside of NYC or courses taught in NYC for anyone living too far away to commute). They also let students work in their home office on their own devices, which can be a significant boon for anyone looking to freelance or work on their own projects from home. These classes are taught as live online lessons and students will work with their instructors and classmates in real time. With new technological developments, instructors can even interact directly with a student’s desktop, giving them even more personalized feedback and guidance. The drawback to these classes is that students will need to put in more effort to stay on top of their work and will need to ensure that they don’t be distracted or disengaged. Students may find that, despite being just as immersive, online classes “feel” less real and therefore easier to treat as inconsequential, which is a good way to burn money and time.


Are web development classes worth it?

If you are looking at changing careers or learning how to expand and improve your personal or professional web presence, enrolling in a web development course is a great way to jump start these goals. These courses provide students with practical training and hands-on instruction in the practical and theoretical aspects of web development. Experienced instructors are able to provide students with personalized support and feedback, alongside focused lessons that ensure that students leave the course with all of the knowledge and training they need to start programming complex and dynamic websites and digital applications.

These courses (particularly bootcamps) tend to offer students access to career services and support structures that aim to demystify the hiring process and make job applications a breeze. These programs and support structures will vary from bootcamp to bootcamp but common services include one-on-one mentoring, portfolio-building workshops, industry guests and networking opportunities and mock interviews/programming challenges. The best fit for each individual will vary from person to person, so it is important to consider the different options when looking for a web development course.

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