Courtesy Dances of Vice/Andrew Bacha
Courtesy Dances of Vice/Andrew Bacha

Best Valentine's Day events in NYC if you're single

You don't need to be in a relationship this year to have fun on Valentine's Day.


Embracing the season of romance doesn’t have to be about giant heart balloons, boxes of chocolate and expensive bouquets. For those of us who are uncoupled and uncuffed, spending the Hallmark holiday solo or with friends is its own form of self-lovin’. Here’s everything you should do if you’re single on this red-letter day.

Best Valentine's Day events for single New Yorkers

  • Things to do
  • Hell's Kitchen

If love makes you want to lash out, there’s a place for you. At this smash bar, you can wreck printers, drinking glasses and other fragile objects with permission. You’ll get a little sweaty, and you may surprise yourself with the amount of destruction you wreak, but you’ll be high on endorphins. Cool off afterward with an ice-cold beer and throw that glass at a wall.

  • Beer bars
  • West Village
  • price 1 of 4
  • Recommended

Sing your heart out with strangers at this lively piano bar and beloved West Village institution. One minute, you could be belting out a Broadway or Disney song with the rest of the bar and, the next, bonding with the person next to you over your terrible singing voice.

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