A vast majority of this 11,000-square-feet upscale locale is blanketed in plush and ornate carpeting—a nice compliment to the pristine and velvety green of its 25 Brunswick pool tables. If you find yourself getting hustled, take a break, grab a seat at its lengthy zinc bar and treat yourself to a swanky cocktail made with some esoteric liquor (the booze selection is endless).
Shooting billiards at a pool hall in NYC is a worthwhile pastime for most New Yorkers—or, at least, it’s a surefire way to make drinking seem somewhat constructive. And since chugging brewskies at beer bars can be sort of, er, uneventful, it’s nice to know that there are so many drinking dens with games in NYC to keep us entertained. While some of the best bars come equipped with pinball machines or board games nowadays, the number of venues with pool tables—particularly in Manhattan—has been steadily dwindling for years. Luckily, we’ve assembled a list of the best pool halls in town, so when you feel like chalking up a cue stick, you’ll know where to take a dive.