Illustration: Andy Forshaw
Illustration: Andy Forshaw |

He ain't pretty, but what you're looking at is the ultimate New York pet. Click through our slide show to see the AKC-recognized dog breeds that make up this looker (and go to Meet the Breeds on Sat 28 and Sun 29 to see some actually cute dogs and cats).

AKC Meet the Breeds: The ultimate New York dog

The American Kennel Club’s Meet the Breeds expo showcases more than 200 canine and feline varieties. We combined several of the former into the ideal NYC pooch.


AKC Meet the Breeds takes place at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, 655 W 34th St at Eleventh Ave ( Sat 28, Sun 29 10am–5pm; $15–$20, children 12 and under $10–$12.

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