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Since 1984, the Urban Stages company has devoted itself to developing and producing new works from new playwrights of diverse cultural backgrounds. The main stage, a 74-seater in Chelsea, hosts staged readings, workshops, community outreach programs and full-scale productions.
Urban Stages presents the winners of its open-submission Dynamic Duos writing competetion in a double bill of one-act, two-character plays: Lynda Crawford's The Audit, about a straightlaced, ex-military IRS agent finds unexpected connections with a wild-living hippie songwriter; and Juan Ramirez Jr.'s The American Dream, about a would-be immigrant trying to be smuggled across the U.S. border. Joel Ripka and Disnie Sebastien perform the former, directed by Leigh Selting, and Ramirez and Libe Barer costar in the latter, directed by Maria Mileaf.
Been there, done that? Think again, my friend.
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