The wickedly talented Adele Dazeem—sorry, we mean Idina Menzel—returns to Broadway as the star of an original musical that she conceived with the highly creative director Tina Landau (SpongeBob Squarepants), who has also written the show's book and co-written its lyrics with composer Kate Diaz. Menzel plays a woman who goes into the woods of Northern California as a means of coping with the death of her adult son. The cast of five also includes De’Adre Aziza as Menzel's wife>, Zachary Noah Piser as their late child, and Michael Park and Khaila Wilcoxon as a pair of tree huggers who help her climb to healing.
Seeing a Broadway show can require quite a lot of planning—and sometimes a leap of faith. You can wait try to see only the very best Broadway shows by waiting until everything opens and gets reviewed, but by then it is harder to get tickets and good seats. So it's smart to keep an eye on upcoming productions—whether they're original musicals and plays or revivals of time-tested classics—and pick out some promising options in advance. Here, in order of their first performances, are the productions that are set to begin their Broadway runs in the first few months of 2025. (Other shows may be added if and when they are announced.)
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