If you feel like loving Elizabeth Taylor a little more today, watch as she enchantingly mangles her presentation of the 1981 Tony Award for Best Musical. The daffy pooch-screwing starts at the 1:15 mark (after a minute of boilerplate ceremonialism), as Liz stumbles through a long list of nominated producers and drives the audience to hysterics by getting nearly every name wrong. (She loses it herself after calling the great Broadway producer James Nederlander "James Needleheimer.")
For maximum amusement at home, feel free to follow along with this list of the actual nominees: David Merrick; Roger S. Berlind, Manheim Fox, Sondra Gilman, Burton L. Litwin and Louise Westergaard, Belwin Mills Publishing Corporation and Norzar Production, Inc.; Richmond Crinkley, Royal Pardon Productions, Ivan Bloch, Larry J. Silva, Eve Skina and Joan F. Tobin; and Lawrence Kasha, David S. Landay, James M. Nederlander, Warner Theatre Productions, Claire Nichtern, Carole J. Shorenstein and Stewart F. Lane.—Adam Feldman