Rebecca S’manga Frank and David Greenspan in The Berlin Diaries
Photograph: Courtesy Helen Hylton | The Pool Plays 3.0: The Berlin Diaries

The Pool Plays 3.0

  • Theater, Drama

Time Out says

The Pool, a pop-up theater company designed to help playwrights steer their own production destinies, emerges at 59E59 with three new works in rep: Jessica Charles's Antiquated F*ckery, about a pair of queer black artists trying to make space for themselves; Andrea Stolowitz's autobiographical The Berlin Diaries (featuring downtown stage treasure David Greenspan), in which a young Jewish woman travels to Berlin in search of family history; and Naren Weiss's darkly comic Two Brown Portersin which two ordinary men get caught up in the drama of the infamous Koh-i-Noor Diamond. All three plays run back to back on weekends.


Event website:
$27.50, all three $50
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