The spectacularly designed stage prequel to Stranger Things expands the universe of the popular Netflix show with an original story set in the late 1950s. The play depicts the early years of central series characters including Joyce Maldonaldo, Jim Hopper, Bob Newby and Dr. Martin Brenner; playwright Kate Trefry, a longtime staff writer for the TV version, has devised the story with series creators Matt and Ross Duffer and Harry Potter and the Cursed Child playwright Jack Thorne. The West End production, directed by Billy Elliot's Stephen Daldry with Justin Martin, earned many glowing notices; Louis McCartney reprises his star performance, buttressed by Yanks including Alex Breaux, T.R. Knight and Gabrielle Nevaeh.
Time Out says
- Event website:
- Address
- Marquis Theatre
- 210 W 46th St
- New York
- 10036
- Cross street:
- at Broadway
- Transport:
- Subway: A, C, E to 42nd St–Port Authority; N, Q, R, 42nd St S, 1, 2, 3, 7 to 42nd St–Times Sq
- Price:
- $59.75–$301.50
Dates and times
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