What happens when a fraught love story unfolds in a Mennonite community in the plains of northern Mexico? Paola Prestini's opera Silent Light explores this story in a world-premiere show at National Sawdust.
The theatrical performance, based on Carlos Reygadas's acclaimed 2007 film, engages the aural, visual and olfactory senses. It also harnesses the cutting-edge architecture at National Sawdust plus a Meyer Constellation sound system for a full experience.
Those tools combine to immerse audiences in a socially cloistered and sensuously expansive environment. A heads up that the production is for audiences 18 and older, as it contains explicit content and language.
The show was composed by Paola Prestini with libretto by Royce Vavrek and is directed by Thaddeus Strassberger with Christopher Rountree as conductor. The cast includes Anthony Dean Griffey, Maggie Lattimore, Daniel Okulitch, Julia Mintzer, and Brittany Renee. The ensemble is rounded out with NOVUS members, including Katie Hyun (violin), Sam Jones (trumpet), Marlon Patton (percussion), Dave Nelson (trombone), and Jeffrey Zeigler (cello), with Foley sound effects designed by Sxip Shirey. Silent Light also features Trinity Choir and NOVUS.
See it on September 26-29 at National Sawdust in Brooklyn. Tickets cost $100/person.