Drunk Shakespeare
Photograph: Jenny Anderson | Drunk Shakespeare

Guide to Drunk Shakespeare

Read our guide to when, where and how to see the interactive comedy show Drunk Shakespeare Off Broadway

To judge by what his characters have said, William Shakespeare was of several minds about alcohol. On the one hand there’s “Good company, good wine, good welcome can make good people” from Henry VIII. But then Cassio laments in Othello, “O thou invisible spirit of wine! If thou hast no name to be known by, let us call thee devil!” Clearly, the Bard understood the value of moderation. But when it comes to Shakespeare’s plays—which are never in short supply—sometimes we’d rather belly up to one of the best bars in NYC than get rained out at Shakespeare in the Park. Or we wouldn’t mind a nice wine while streaming some of the best Shakespeare movies. Well the folks at Drunk Shakespeare want you to have the best of both worlds: cocktails and verse. Since 2014, these wags have thrown a booze-soaked Bardic bacchanalia in which liquored-up actors try to remember the plot to Macbeth.

What is Drunk Shakespeare?

Drunk Shakespeare is an inebriated comical riff on Macbeth, the plot of which is told by an actor who has downed several shots, with supporting roles played by the ensemble. Audience members are roped in to play king and queen.

Where is Drunk Shakespeare playing?

Drunk Shakespeare plays at the Lounge at Roy Arias Stages, a space made up to look like a haunted library where they sell drinks.

When does Drunk Shakespeare play?

Drunk Shakespeare plays Monday at 7:30pm; Wednesday at 8pm; Thursday at 7:30pm; and Friday and Saturday at 8pm and 10pm. Some weeks also offer performances on Tuesday at 7:30pm, Sunday at 7pm or Saturday at 6pm.

How do I get tickets to Drunk Shakespeare?

Tickets to Drunk Shakespeare may be purchased online. Prices range from $55 (balcony) to $69 (mezzanine) and $89 (Stage-side).

Who is in Drunk Shakespeare?

Current members of the Drunk Shakespeare Society are Alison Wien, Caitlin Morris, Josh Sauerman, Julia Giolzetti, Michael Amendola, Monique Sanchez, Tim Haber and Whit Leyenberger. The Society describes itself thusly: “We're a company of professional drinkers with a serious Shakespeare problem. Every night, one of our society members will have at least five shots of whiskey and then attempt to perform in a Shakespearean play.”

Can I eat at Drunk Shakespeare?

Drinks and snacks are available during the “meeting.”

How long is Drunk Shakespeare?

The running time of Drunk Shakespeare is 90 minutes without intermission.

Are there other events like Drunk Shakespeare?

Others have indeed combined liquor consumption and performing the Bard. Comparable past events have included Drunken Shakespeare and ShakesBEER.

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