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Reeve Carney, 28, Greenwich Village
How he gets super fit: "For me, the show is my workout. [Spider-Man] is a really great cardiovascular workout. The biggest change I've noticed is that my reflexes have improved dramatically. But I never wanted to get any bigger. I'm onstage with a band, and I like to wear sleeveless shirts. The only rock star I can think of who really makes that work, with muscles, is Bruce Springsteen, and I'm not really like him. I love his music, but I wouldn't put myself in that category. It helps to be a little more slight-of-build."
How Spider-Man keeps him in shape: "There's this [number] called 'Bouncing Off the Walls' that I do; every time I'm in a harness, you have to use your abs like crazy. I sing and bounce around the room, and go upside down and flip. Pretty much anything that has to do with flying takes a lot of core strength. Just having to sing and maintain breath support and intensity while doing all this movement, that's a workout in and of itself. I feel healthier than I've ever felt."
Where he loves to work out in New York City: "I walk a lot. Yesterday I walked eight miles, and I'm about twice as fast as any other New Yorker I've ever seen. I took boxing lessons, when I was auditioning for the show. I loved it. That really wears you out. That's more intense than anything I do for the show. They had me do this crazy drill. I almost threw up. You had to go through this obstacle course of various exercises. It was so intense."
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