This wine and spirits emporium has been serving the ‘hood for many years, and now also holds special classes and demonstrations at the upstairs Astor Center, but the main draw here is the super-low prices and er, the absinthe. On top of that, the service (including helpful notecards describing each product) and frequent tastings seal the deal.
So you missed the best happy hours. New York is still a great place to find good booze, especially since it’s tough to walk more than a few blocks without passing liquor stores. Many of them do just fine serving the passersby en route to a party or offering a cheap alternative to pricey cocktails at the best bars in NYC. But collectors and spirit enthusiasts might turn their nose up at such “luxuries,” which is why we’ve singled out the liquor stores that go the extra mile with exceptional service and extensive collections of rare bottles, from Irish whiskey to tequila. Whether you’re interested in a quick-stop shop for cheap alcohol or an old-timey store that offers tastings and pairings, these liquor stores are worth the trip.