Mumbai native, FIT grad and Indian designer Soigné Kothari, hopes to educate shoppers on her native country’s talents by offering modern garb inspired by traditional clothing from her hometown. She’ll also play images from the latest Indian runway shows on a flat-screen TV in her cream-colored 3,200-square-foot bi-level space. Those unfamiliar with Indian designers will learn quickly that contemporary looks go far beyond the simple sari, such as Rajesh Pratap Singh asymmetrical tulip dresses ($540), Falguni & Shane strong-shouldered minidresses with feathers and crystals ($2,395), and Prashant Verma satin taffeta dresses with embellished plastic paneling ($725). Her pieces are like works of art—woven, beaded or sewn by hand (a simple pashmina can take several months to complete). Bonus: For every sale of $500 or more, a school uniform will be donated to an Indian foundation to clothe an underprivileged child.
Time Out says
- Address
- 717 Madison Ave
- New York
- Cross street:
- at 63rd St
- Transport:
- Subway: F to Lexington Ave–63rd St; 4, 5, 6 to 59th St (Lexington Ave)
- Opening hours:
- Mon–Sat 10am–7pm, Sun 11am–5pm
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