Bargain-hunters have hounded this chain consignment shop for nearly 20 years seeking deals on Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Gucci, Prada, Chanel, Fendi and more. The store carries clothing and accessories, but specializes in designer handbags and jewelry sourced both locally and internationally. Savings range from 30% to 70% depending on the item; current Chanel bags that retail for $3,500 might go for $2,500 here. If that's still beyond your means, you may be able to trade your way to a killer new purse. Just bring in your unwanted designer wares and A Second Chance will buy your item for cash—or put its value toward a new purchase.
Time Out says
- Address
- 1109 Lexington Ave
- New York
- Cross street:
- between 77th and 78th Sts
- Transport:
- Subway: 6 to 77th St (Lexington Ave)
- Opening hours:
- Mon–Fri 11am–7pm, Sat 11am–6pm, Sun noon–5pm
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