Photograph: Marielle Solan
Photograph: Marielle Solan |

Heidi, 27; marketing associate at a music publisher, music promoter and cellist in the band Leda; Greenpoint, Brooklyn
Her ideal date: “I’d like to grab some food and go to a concert—preferably featuring someone we both like, and also where I might run into friends. First dates can be super isolating and scary sometimes, so it’s nice when it feels like you’re just bringing someone along on a normal night out, with some potential mixed in. Also, I don’t drink, and I don’t care if you do; but if you do, don’t mistake cognac for confidence.”
Want to ask her out? E-mail:

Single New York bisexual women looking for a date (January 2013)

Meet six single New York bisexual women who are looking for a date. See photos of them, read about their ideal dates, and ask them out.


With Valentine’s Day on the horizon, our minds inevitably turn to dating. Before the big day (who wants a first date on February 14? Way too much pressure) get to know one of these single New York women. They’ve even suggested date ideas, what are you waiting for?

RECOMMENDED: Meet more New York singles and find a date

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