A plate of steak frites
Photography: Alex Staniloff | | Steak Frites

Free Steak Frites at Medium Rare

  • Restaurants
Morgan Carter

Time Out says

If you didn’t know, it's still engagement season. From Thanksgiving to Valentine’s Day, millions of people will finally pop the question. No surprise, Valentine’s Day is one of the top holidays for proposals, as over 200,000 couples will ask the fated question “Will you marry me” on the most romantic day of the year. This New York restaurant is sharing the love the best way they know how, with steak. 

Medium Rare is giving couples an engagement gift that will certainly set them up for life: free steak frites. If any couple gets engaged at one of Medium Rare's nine restaurants this Valentine’s Day, they will receive a free steak frites dinner for life (or for the rest of their married life.) Love birds who pop the question will receive a card from the restaurant, officially marking their engagement and guaranteeing them a free meal to remember the good times. Available to redeem once a year, the deal includes a free culotte steak served with Medium Rare’s secret sauce along with a heap of sides, including French fries, a side salad and bread. And despite the name, you can get your steak cooked to whatever temp pleases you and your sweetheart.


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