Photograph: Dominic Perri
Photograph: Dominic Perri |

Duck-fat fried Tater-Tots at Northeast Kingdom
Northeast Kingdom chef Kevin Adey gives Tater-Tots the semihomemade treatment, frying store-bought starchy balls of potato mash in rendered D’Artagnan duck fat until they are crisp and shimmery. Ketchup cuts the richness nicely; Kingdom connoisseurs use the tip of the squeeze bottle to insert a dollop of the sweet-acidic condiment directly inside the tot. 18 Wyckoff Ave at Troutman St, Bushwick, Brooklyn (718-386-3864, $10.—Christopher Ross

Food photos: All 100 best dishes and drinks 2012 (slide show)

Drool your way through food photos of every single one of this year's 100 best dishes and drinks in New York City.


RECOMMENDED: All 100 best dishes and drinks

Our 100 best dishes and drinks slide show of food photos is a one-stop preview of everything that's a must-try in NYC right now. With choices ranging from revolutionary sandwiches to genre-busting bar food, you'll probably want to try sampling them every one, and why not? You have a whole year to do it.

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