After the year(s) we've just had, you probably have a whole lot of wishes you'd like the universe to know about. Why not let them out in a very New York way?

The New Year's Eve Wishing Wall is back in Times Square, urging New Yorkers to write their wishes for the upcoming year on pieces of confetti that will then be blasted through the sky at midnight on New Year's Eve as the ball drops.
You'll find the wall at the Broadway plazas between 42nd and 47th Street every day this month through December 29 from 11am to 8pm (except for Christmas Day). For precaution, hand sanitizer and masks will be available on premise.
Whether you hope for world peace, the end of this life-changing pandemic, romantic success, perennial joy, health and happiness for all or the chance to finally see Hamilton live, the Wishing Wall is here to listen to you.
And, if you can't make it to Times Square in person, opt to participate online by submitting your entry on the virtual wall here, or using the hashtag #ConfettiWish on Twitter and Instagram.
All wishes submitted before December 28 either in person or virtually will be printed on a piece of confetti and be part of the 3,000 pounds of paper that are set to be released on January 1, 2022 right at midnight. Cool, right?
"When the ball drops and the clock strikes midnight on 2021, we will all watch with amazement as a blizzard of confetti blankets the sky filled with the hopes and dreams of people from around the world," says Jeffrey Straus, the President of Countdown Entertainment, one of the co-organizers of the annual Times Square New Year's Eve event. "Submitting a confetti wish gives everyone the ability to be part of the magic that happens on New Year's Even in Times Square."
Speaking of the annual New Year's Eve event: Mayor Bill de Blasio recently announced that fully vaccinated people will be able to celebrate in-person at the happening at the strike of midnight.
"We want to welcome all those hundreds of thousands of folks, but everyone needs to be vaccinated," said the Mayor. "Join the crowd, join the joy, join a historic moment as New York City provides further evidence to the world that we are 100 percent back."
At the very least, make sure to participate by submitting your most ardent desire for the upcoming year.