
You can now buy an “Unqualified Lesbian” button made by Cynthia Nixon

Will Gleason
Written by
Will Gleason
Content Director, The Americas

Shortly after Cynthia Nixon issued her “Miranda Warning” that she’d be running against Governor Andrew Cuomo in this year’s Democratic primary, she received a bit of a warning herself from Cuomo surrogate Christine Quinn.

Quinn, who appears to be maybe, slightly, just-a-little-bit still bitter about Nixon’s strong support for Bill de Blasio over her during the 2013 mayoral race, attacked the famous first-time candidate for being an “unqualified lesbian.” Seriously.

In true Miranda fashion, Nixon quickly hit back with a quick quip of her own:

Now, after Nixon also used the attack to attract people to a fundraiser at Stonewall Inn, she’s offering supporters a chance to get a piece of the appellation action themselves. You can now buy an “Unqualified Lesbian” button for $5 (available in either blue or white) on the official site of Cynthia for New York.

Better yet, a disclaimer at the bottom of the page states: “Cynthia Nixon is solely responsible for producing and shipping your gift.” So feel free imagine her going ham on a button maker to get all this extra timely merch out the door.

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