What are NYC’s chances of getting a white Christmas?
There’s not a chance.
Unfortunately, any precipitation we will see will be happening just in time for your holiday travel on Thursday and Friday.
On Thursday, rain will move into the area after 11am, but it’ll be in the mid-50s, so there’s no real chance of snow. That night, the rain will be at its heaviest (totaling between 1 and 2 inches) and wind gusts of up to 43 mph will make everything even worse, according to the National Weather Service.
Friday looks similar with rain at first but the temperatures will begin falling to about 31 degrees and snow showers with thunder (we love thunder snow) are possible after 5pm. Again, wind will really make us miserable at around 48 mph.
The NWS is expecting coastal flooding during Friday morning’s high tide for South Queens, specifically in Jamaica Bay, Rockaway Inlet and East Rockaway.
Otherwise, there will be little to no accumulation, NWS says. After such miserable weather, that’s kind of a relief!
All of the crummy weather is a result of a major winter storm moving into the area.
Tom Kines, a senior meteorologist at AccuWeather, told SILive.com that traveling to our respective destinations for the holidays will be rough.
“If you’ve got flights going out of one of the few airports around the city there, it wouldn’t surprise me at all if there were major delays showing up early Friday,” he said, adding that major airports affected by snow in the Midwest could contribute to additional cancelations.
For those hoping for a white Christmas, we’re sorry to burst your bubble: Both Saturday and Sunday, Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, will be sunny and clear. But definitely bundle up—there will be a high near 24 and low at about 16 on Saturday and a high of about 26 on Sunday with a low of just 18.
For those staying in the chilly city for the holidays, we’ve got a lot of options for some Christmas fun right here.