New York is taking a new approach to encourage mask-wearing in the city.
The NYPD will no longer arrest you for not wearing a mask, and the city's in the process of giving out 7.5 million free face coverings to residents.
"All these things we’ve done, nobody’s doing these things because government told them to do it," said Governor Cuomo, referring to his numerous executive orders on social distancing and masks. "I said from day one, I can give the facts to New Yorkers, but then New Yorkers have to decide and agree that it makes sense given the facts."
Some New Yorkers have still not been complying with Governor Cuomo’s mask mandate as the weather warms up, so the state's now trying something new.
On May 5, Cuomo announced an ad competition challenging fellow New Yorkers to film their own homemade videos on why its crucial for folks to be wearing masks right now. Each ad was tasked with why New Yorkers should wear a mask: the context, the rationale, the health reasons, the social responsibility and that it's just not that big a deal.
One finalist “You Can Still Smile” by Natalia Bougadellis and Emory Parker, features a series of New Yorkers looking into the camera and sharing who or what they wear their face mask for, including being able to get back to work or hug friends again. Another aptly-titled video, “That Guy,” by Plastic Tree Productions, features a man standing on a subway platform without a mask on, while every person around him are wearing masks. "Don't be that guy," the video says.
The other finalists include “Do The Right Thing” by Ian Bell, “We heart NY” by Bunny Lake Films and “We are Compassion. We are New York” by Skyline99 Studios.

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