
Watch crews install the first new Broadway marquee since the pandemic hit

'Thoughts of a Colored Man' will open as soon as Broadway re-starts.

Anna Rahmanan
Written by
Anna Rahmanan
Senior National News Editor
Thoughts of a Colored Man marquee
Photograph: Emilio Madrid-Kuser

Broadway might still be closed, but we're finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. New Yorkers can now glimpse at the very first new marquee to be installed in the district since all performances abruptly stopped on March 12, 2020. 

Thoughts of a Colored Man is a new play by Keenan Scott II scheduled to take over the Golden Theatre on West 45th Street whenever Broadway opens up for business again, effectively becoming the first new show to take residence on the Great White Way since the shutdown. 

To the excitement of all New Yorkers, crews installed the signage at the end of last week and—perhaps even more excitingly—word on the street is that opening night information will be available in the next few weeks. 

Check out the video below to see the process in action:

According to an official press release, the play will be set over the course of a single day in Brooklyn and it "weaves spoken word, slam poetry and rhythm into a mosaic of the inner lives of Black men." The show will be both Scott's and director Steve H. Broadnax III's debut. 

As of now, Broadway is to remain officially closed until June. Whether that will portent a slew of new and re-opening shows come summer is yet to be seen, though. For what it's worth, we're planning on catching musicals and plays as soon as the theaters let us in again. Here's to hoping that will be sooner rather than later.

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